Suicide Prevention PSA - ID# 23

Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This Public Service Announcement shows a glimpse into what a teen's life would look like without her there. Through different everyday scenarios, family and friends are effected as we see the importance of her existence. Permission to use music from DeWolfe.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/30 10:31 am - Good concept. Solid acting. Odd folies and jump cut - color correction needs to be improved
  • 4/7 5:57 pm - Contrasting coloring worked well with the message; nat sound was a good choice; Good final message at the end
  • 3/9 3:49 pm - Nice job! The video effectively expressed your message. Be consistent with color and exposure choices. Overall a good video.
Judge 1

Positives: Good dramatic concept. Tells a story with very little imagery but does it well.

Improvements: A few dark shots that needed more light.

Judge 2

Positives: The editing and effect of having the person there and then gone works very well. The last shot was very effective.

Improvements: The disappearing shots were editing well but the lighting changed and could have been corrected in post by trying to match the brightness of the cameras. It was strange to not hear the girl talking to her family, a better use of audio could have been used here, maybe using the girls audio but turning it into an echo, etc.

Judge 3

Positives: Overall, the editing of this piece was good. The transition between the shots really helped convey the message. Although there was minimal audio work to this piece, I felt it worked and also helped convey the message. This PSA was clear and provided a strong call to action at the end.

Improvements: The color change between the shots was not necessary since the message was already well conveyed. I would have liked to have seen more movement in the camera work since the shots were stationary.

Judge 4

