Adam Curry - Lost in the Night - ID# 248

Live Event Coverage Non Sports

Entry Description

Filmed and edited by students for our chapel service that we have to stream live to every classroom within the school (in place of gathering as an entire student body)

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/30 8:54 am - It’s tough to get creative with a solo performance, but you did an excellent job mixing it up. Great job with pacing. I liked the shot of the pedals, I only hoped he would use one of them during it! A couple more CUs of the guitar would have been nice.
  • 3/9 12:29 pm - Audio sounded great- good job of controlling that and making it sound clean. Shots were good for the most part. There were a few that looked misplaced, perhaps because of the framing or perhaps because nothing was happening in the shot. The first was at the start with the close-up of the guitar. Cool shot until he pulls away and we don't see anything anymore. Probably stayed on that shot too long. Next was the foot mixer- nothing was happening, just a really awkward shot. The third was the close-up of the singer, yet the close-up was actually of the microphone, not the face. That just comes down to framing- make sure we can see the important stuff, not a mic. A couple shots looked like you were missing a tripod as they bounced around a bit. Just remember pacing- keep the shots moving at a pace that fits the music and keeps the audience interested. Overall, well done!
Judge 1

Positives: I liked all the transitions between shots. I liked that they were slow and flowed well. Also, great job zooming in and out, sometimes on shooting/filming something like this can be difficult to find different angles.

Improvements: Make sure when you are shooting, you use a tripod, or at least steady your shots, some shots, especially when focused on his sound board and zoomed into the microphone was shaky. Also, when he started showing expression of the song in his face, zoom in on that, it helps tell the story. Make sure you also show some video of the crowd. Show them getting into the music and maybe closing their eyes or participating.

Judge 2

Positives: The audio sounded really solid, and mixing live music can be very tricky. There were some nice camera shots -- the close up of the singer and the audience shots in particular.

Improvements: I would have liked to see something off the top -- either someone announce the song/singer, or even the singer say something before he started. At the very least, would have been nice to start the clip before the music began and capture the first notes of the song. The timing on some of the shots/dissolves could be tweaked a bit. For instance, there is a pullout shot from the singer to the audience which was great, but before you dissolve to the tight let that first shot land for a beat before you transition to your next shot. It can be jarring for your audience if you don't finish one move before going on to the next one.

Judge 3

Positives: The color matching from the different cameras was excellent. The composition of the main shot was done very well and the pace of the switching for the most part went well with the flow of the music. The audio sounded very good!

Improvements: When a camera is picking up a detailed shot, such as a tight shot on the hands only or the peddle board at his feet, don't stay on those shots to long as it becomes distracting. Only choose detail shots that make sense. For example, you took a shot of a piece of equipment on the floor next to his feet, nothing was happening so I would suggest staying away from shots like that. For a slow song like that I would have done more fades instead of hard cuts. I would also try to add pushes and pulls with the cameras and rack transitions.

Judge 4

