Speed Stacks (Commercial) - ID# 285

Downers Grove North

Entry Description

To be a fierce competitor, you need the best possible equipment. Speed Stacks are the unrivaled leader n the dog eat dog world of sport stacking. MUSIC Big Drumming https://youtu.be/42s2UM1HjY4

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/29 2:20 pm - I like your training montage, and your voice over sounded good. I thought it fit together well with the subject of the commercial. I think it would have been cool to see her against someone else, or showing a clock with the time in which she completed it. It would have added an element of competition to it.
  • 2/25 11:14 am - I like the humor in the commercial and the way that leads up to the payoff at the end. Overall there are some inconsistencies in the production in terms of white balancing and overall composition of shots. With that I do like the writing in this. One thing I would recommend to spend some more time on the lighting of the individual shots to make them seem just a little bit more natural.
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