Stolen Heart - ID# 280

Downers Grove North
Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

An unnerving nigh-time forced entry crime with a surprising twist and a comedic flair - shot entirely MOS (without sound.) MUSIC 9th Symphony, Finale (Beethoven) Prohibition Blues Tiptoes

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/29 1:34 pm - Great audio use and cuts. I like that the robber was part of the family, but then the Pro and Cons list made it kind of confusing and needed some more attention. Great shots throughout but could use more of a punchline with the robber / robber bit.
  • 4/27 9:53 am - Successful - Great cinematography and editing. Technically very well made. Good job telling a story without dialogue. Needs Work - The format of making it a silent film/mime story didn't quite make sense. Most people would have whispered in that situation. The ending was extremely unbelievable, but I guess the whole thing was supposed to be silly. I feel like it almost hit its mark in finding the right comedic tone but just barely missed.
  • 2/22 11:27 am - Great use of music to add pacing and dimension to the video. Great job filming and use of different filming techniques. Not really sure I understand the joke or why he didn't call the police. Overall, very well done and one of the best submissions.
Judge 1

Positives: Great lighting Really nice use of music Great color grade with professional quality looking film

Improvements: Unfortunately this story is not clear - I don't know what's meant by the iPad or the baby monitor - why the burglar is still there after cops are called and why we see two burglars at the end? If you're going to use MOS, the visual story needs to be "cave man" simple. I'm not sure the 70mm framing added to the quality of this film. Wider angle lenses may have helped. Frames felt tight in some places.

Judge 2

Positives: I was astonished at how good this looks. Really professional looking quality. Great job communicating everything without dialogue. Very tastefully executed. The Pro/Con sheet was a wonderful touch.

Improvements: It's a little odd that they cheers twice at the end. I might've saved that cheers for the last moment. That is a very minor nitpick though. Overall this was a classy funny little short. Well done!

Judge 3

Positives: Very well done--excellent use of natural sound and well edited. Great story.

Improvements: I wouldn't change a thing

Judge 4

