Teachers Demand for Full Remote - ID# 304

South Elgin
News Package

Entry Description

At the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, the RBHS school board planned on going back with a hybrid model. However the teachers believed it would be unsafe with the the current status of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The teachers then began to protest the decision to go to the hybrid model, using instead a full remote model, This news package provides both sides of the argument from teacher testimonials to a statement from the Superintendent.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/28 10:00 am - Really great start and awesome B-Roll. Levels are really good. Some b-roll could be used to help show the school if possible and cut away from the interviews to show more of the story. Keep up the great work!
  • 3/28 9:09 pm - Good use of natural audio at the beginning of the story. Good interviews with the teachers and with the superintendent. My biggest question would be why did you decide to be on camera so often? Was it because of lack of b-roll? It wasn’t a bad choice, in my opinion, just one that you don’t see very often.
Judge 1

Positives: I like how you started with nats to setup the story. The broll is shot really well with great lighting I like how your interview was shot at the rally. It wasn't formal. It helped showed the man's body language and tell the story

Improvements: Not every story needs a reporter standup. I also felt like I was just watching you read your tracks. Those should be covered with video. When you do a reporter standup, look at the camera and talk to your viewer. This was a bit long. Cut your tracks down and let the sound tell the story

Judge 2

Positives: - You have great natural sound in this piece from the teachers rally, and I like that you started the piece with chants from that. It’s a great way to set the stage to your story, and this worked really well. - I like the soundbites you picked. They definitely helped tell your story.

Improvements: - The editing in this piece could use improvement. First, we need to see what it’s like for teachers trying to do their jobs. That gives you more freedom to write and show what they’re talking about. Second, you have way too much standup here. Try to either use that at the beginning or end to introduce and end your story. Or, you can use it in the middle to pivot from one point to the next. - You have a great tone & delivery, but try speeding up your delivery a little more. Your pauses slowed down the story & interrupted the fast flow from the beginning.

Judge 3

Positives: Great use of natural sound to start the piece -interviews well framed and very informative -solid delivery by the reporter. Sounded conversational and provided great info to transition in between interviews

Improvements: -lighting in reporter standup could be improved. Best of reporter stands in a shaded area and uses lighting equipment to brighten up the face. If no lighting equipment available, use sun to light up entire face.

Judge 4

