Throughout the pandemic we have been told to keep a 6 foot social distance from everyone. Without a measuring tape, it can be hard to judge what exactly 6 feet is, so here are some common objects to help visualize what 6 feet exactly is, and a reminder why keeping that distance helps to protect everybody. Music- Walking on Clouds by David Tate. From DeWolfe Music.
Positives: Interesting idea with 6 foot measurement comparisons. Good selection of music. Good selection of 6 foot items to demo.
Improvements: Could have used more tight camera shots. A few of the shots are hard to understand what exactly audience is seeing.
Positives: The use of only visuals and music to tell the narrative was very effective in getting the point across. The music fit the piece well.
Improvements: A bit of comedy on a serious subject may help, such as measuring a dog or something weird or cute with the tape measure. If worked on a bit more, the camera work and lighting could have brought the bar up on this piece.
Positives: The overall pace and choice of music for this piece worked well. The concept of physically showing a tape measurer and what 6 feet looks like was a unique and creative approach.
Improvements: Since we are currently living through a pandemic, the message of this video was clear however out of context, the message was not clear and why to keep a distance. The piece could have benefited from advanced editing techniques such as movement to the graphics and some form of transitions. In terms of shots, showing what 6 feet looks like could have been more dynamic and you could have gone bigger instead of just showing things around a home.