Know the Warning Signs PSA - ID# 45

Lake Forest
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This public service announcement highlights the issue of human trafficking while focusing on recent tactics used to lure women. Know the Warning Signs was created to bring to light the different signs that possible victims should be aware of in their day to day lives.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/30 10:29 am - Very solid shooting and editing. The concept is -- confounding.
  • 4/7 5:46 pm - The message seemed to be lost in places. The audio levels were good, shots were clear, good framing for most shots.
  • 3/9 3:30 pm - A tough topic to cover. The music fits well and added to the idea that this is a serious topic. The video's message was a bit confusing to me. Maybe if you added some sound effects that would have been good. Overall good job!
Judge 1

Positives: Good camera work and acting. Music works well with message. Some good camera shots.

Improvements: Hard to understand what exactly the one warning sign demonstrated in this PSA was. Not clear and message was a bit lost.

Judge 2

Positives: The story and editing were done very well, especially the editing as it told a story but also led the audience with suspense. I was wondering who these people are and why the zip was on the cars.

Improvements: If the shots were at night, the effect would be more dramatic. More story elements could have helped, even if it was a bottle or glass the girl was holding falls to the ground in slow motion. More drama would have helped the piece but a fine line would have to be walked of sensationalism vs educating.

Judge 3

Positives: The music choice for this piece was strong and supported the piece as a whole. The camera shots, inside and outside, were clear and had good lighting. There was also a variety of shots that kept the piece interesting.

Improvements: Overall, the message and story of this piece could have been more clear. Until watching this video, I was not aware of this warning sign thus I needed to Google to understand. With a message like this, you need to get the idea across assuming your audience has no idea what it is. So be direct and informative to get the message across. Also, be aware of your surroundings when shooting. For example, as silly as it may be, at 0:12 in the store on the wall it looks to say "oral shop". Things like this may be distracting to your audience and can easily be prevented by adjusting your camera angle or moving to a similar location.

Judge 4

