Broadcast of Waubonsie Valley Girls Basketball vs. Metea Valley High School
Positives: Strong energy by the announcers to match the crowd sound. Also, good awareness of the second sport of your star player.
Improvements: Not a criticism, but what are the balloons for? Your announcers have good chemistry and sound really strong--don't want to get in the way of that. But, if your play-by-play announcer asks a question, it's not necessary to give his opinion before the analyst answers ("..."I'm seeing screens being set...")
Positives: - Audio is mixed well between announcers and nat sound to really convey the excitement in the gym. Like to hear that! - Announcers do a great job bringing enthusiasm to the call, well done.
Improvements: - Watch your camera matching - the tight angle used on replays/free throws looked a little darker than the game camera.
Positives: Good use of the "hero" camera after the baskets. Great energy from your announcers. Good use of the replay - and good acknowledgement of the replay by the announcers. Announcers did a really good job of painting the picture. Their comments felt very natural and not forced.
Improvements: The hero camera was a little darker than the main camera. Be steady with your camera movements - you want them to be smooth.