Dean Kousiounelos describes his experience with art and his importance of it throughout his life.
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4/26 9:16 pm - KEEPERS: Very well done story about a senior artist in the making. Visually stunning. Wonderful broll of his painting process and the interview shots were well composed and full of color. Loved the slow tracking shots over his work that was both completed and still in progress. The music matched the tone well. Great work.
IMPROVEMENTS: This plays a bit more like a news segment than a documentary, as well done as it is. I think it needed to be beefed up more in the story. The footage is excellent of Dean painting. Why not mic him up as he paints and have him explain his process, how he conceives of what to paint, his technique, etc. This would have lengthened your documentary a bit and gotten away from the news report feel. In terms of audio, put your voice over a bit more forward in the mix. It felt less present than Dean's audio did.