GBS Women’s Basketball Senior Night vs. NW - ID# 158

Glenbrook South
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

Our school's first ever 4 camera broadcast. Women's basketball senior night accompanied by play by play and color announcing from our radio department.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/20 11:02 am - In terms of cameras, it looks like you have four cameras (two cameras pointed at half of the court, and two cameras on the baseline corners). If possible, one camera as the wide shot, but with a camera operator that follows the ball would be better than to stationary. And then for the baseline cameras, if they have operators, have them zoom in and interact with the game more. Also, it looks like you have space to put them in the middle of the baseline. No replay system in place. Graphic package is a simple scoreboard, and it has both team names, clock and score. That’s great. The audio for the PbP and commentary clips up top, so better audio mix would be helpful. Sometimes the commentator takes over the PbP – make sure the roles are defined and separate. But I love the PbP calling out names from both teams
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