Music in Me - ID# 225

Glenbrook North
Live Event Coverage Non Sports

Entry Description

A 7 Camera Shoot of the act Music in Me from Glenbrook North’s Variety Show, Emerge. Production involved a week of rehearsals and run throughs.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/20 1:24 pm - I like the variety of camera angles – there are one or two that don’t make much sense to me, but you have a variety of quality angles. I would like closer shots on people as they sing, to know who sings. This felt like an audio track instead of solos and groups singing (because of the cuts, not just the masks). The cutting kept pace with the pace of the music.
Judge 1

Positives: -great job following the soloists throughout the performance -I enjoyed the variety of wide shots

Improvements: -possibly start off with establishing shot of the stage to bring the viewer to the performance -incorporating more tight shots could help with avoiding wide/medium shots back to back

Judge 2

Positives: WOW! This was outstanding! You can tell the directing was well thought out and planned from watching rehearsals. Right at the beginning, one of the performers stood up and got into the camera shot, but you worked around it and cut to wide shot, so nice fast thinking.

Improvements: Not much to say, Great job! A lot of times when directing people like to cut a lot and use a bunch of camera angles, but what happens is performance and details sometimes get lost. Truthfully it isn't always bad to stay wide sometimes and let things breathe a bit from the wide-shot camera.

Judge 3

Positives: - Good job with covering a large stage and number of performers; I felt like we got a chance to see everyone involved in the number. - Audio mix was clean.

Improvements: - Consider using some dissolve transitions instead of hard cutting between cameras. Music numbers call for a bit of a softer transition to make them really flow visually. - Would like to see some of the camera shots pan and move a little bit instead of everyone being static. That would allow you to go even tighter in your isolation framing, and then slowly pan from person to person for a few seconds before dissolving out to a new angle.

Judge 4

