A girl on the run searches for a lost adventure , but in her search she may find more than she's able to handle.
Positives: "Inside" effectively uses quick cuts to different lighting setups in the same environment to enhance the unsettling tone of the trailer. The use of darkness and pools of light also helps sell the concept.
Improvements: The performance as seen in the trailer could be improved to help sell the terror of the situation.
Positives: Telling your audience what happened is one thing, but bringing your audience through the emotional point of view of your character is what filmmaking is all about. Between the captive sound design and the intimate camera work, I felt trapped alongside the girl. Every closeup shot where the camera tracks with the girl gives me the same fear and paranoia she feels. This is well setup for a strong jump scare with great sound design. Great job!
Improvements: We can use a variety of camera angles and focal lengths to help ramp up or ease tension. The closeup are great for maximum tension and the wide shots could have been used to calm tension or set an eerie stage. The wide shot where she's being chased in front of the house minimized the tension when we should have been feeling maximum anxiety. Another approach to shooting the trailer could have been starting scenes wider to set the stage then get closer and closer to increase tension.
Positives: Cool editing tricks with the "person" appearing and jumping from locations.
Improvements: When we see the person for the first time, maybe darken and make them look scarier.