4/27 9:34 pm - Ah...take on iCarly intro for your opening. Fun. Anchor has some nice energy. Watch the jumpcuts. I like the AP Exam skit. Not sure it fits into a newscast, but fun none the less. Leah was fun to watch. Soccer team pkg and Jimmy's audio was only in the right channel. Lots of bloopers at the end. I think these are fun to watch by those involved but not as fun to your audience. Your stories are pertaining to your audience. Work on the flow of the show and you will improve drastically!
4/20 11:52 am - Very nice opening to the show! Very cool! Anchor does a nice job reading- good voice and presence. Not sure why we're seeing jump cuts with the anchor- this is something live shows should not include. AP exams was cute- good acting! Weird transition to the anchor sending it to herself for a segment that could have been done where she was sitting as an anchor. Sports story- watch the opinion- "they're really good." Keep with the facts. Audio levels are a bit inconsistent. Anchor is one level, but when it goes to the segments, the audio is a bit hotter. Bloopers are always fun, but not sure 2 minutes of the them is the way to go. Maybe have these on in the corner while the credits for the show roll. Just too long. Overall, the show has potential- needs some more technical work, but personality wise you've got it covered.
4/7 9:55 am - Cool intro.
Many jumpcuts with the anchor. This is OK for social media, but not for a broadcast.
Fun way to tell us about the AP exams!
Not sure why you cut to the anchor doing a standup about conferences. There was no b-roll or interviews, so this was not necessary (would have been better if she had an admin telling part of it!)
Good audio with the mics.
Sports story only had audio out of the right speaker. Boost the b-roll audio a little bit. Would have been better if the camera was zoomed in more on the action and what you are talking about.
I don’t think you need 2 minutes of bloopers at the end….almost 25% of the show. This drags on.