Batiste Dry Shampoo - ID# 298

Glenbrook North

Entry Description

A commercial for Batiste Dry Shampoo. It is designed to market for the speed and efficiency of the product.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/29 7:55 am - What I Loved: This is not a well known brand to your average consumer and I loved that you used a STORY to sell and explain the benefits of this product. Great comedic timing/editing with the "OH SH---" I laughed out loud when I saw this! The jump cuts with all of your hair do's were also well shot (filming with a mirror can be challenging) and funny! I laughed and also sympathized with your character as the same time. I also loved the tagline that you used to emphasize the no time theme of your narrative. Areas of Growth: I would try to mic your actress next time and turn down the background music a tiny bit to make her easier to hear.
Judge 1

Positives: Entertaining little spot - I enjoyed the vignette with the bad hairstyles, and how the escalated from bad to worse. It was a story I was interested in watching, and seeing resolved.

Improvements: It might be interesting to see a little more aggressive cut at the hair flip section. Tighter framing to take out body at lower frame might make it feel crisper. And for the last shot, the hair actually feels clean - which takes me out of the spot a bit. Would love to see a hairstyle that feels like it actually used the dry shampoo product, so that I can really believe the spot.

Judge 2

Positives: Music was good Pacing was good got the message across

Improvements: SFX was a bit loud Open scene was too dark. i understand the idea, but it didn't translate as well as it could have.

Judge 3

Positives: The story was fun and easy to understand, it also had a clear message/brand pitch. The camera work and editing added to the playfulness of the piece.

Improvements: The sound could be mixed better, music and sound efx are loud and clear (a bit to loud) but dialogue is low in the mix. I know bathrooms are tight spaces, but I would have liked insert shots (showerhead) to feel as though the are coming from the characters POV. The present framing takes me out of the piece.

Judge 4

