The Art of Making Wallpaper - ID# 376

Glenbrook North
Natural Audio News Package

Entry Description

Discover the artistic work behind the scenes of creating wallpaper at the Maya Romanoff Corporation.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/5 6:44 am - The lighting on interviews is a little dark. Bring a portable light with you to help light their faces just a bit. There are a number of portable lights that are very affordable that can fit on the shoe on top of the camera. Where else in this story can you bring that natural audio up full to help tell the story. Are there discussions between the employees? It shouldn’t be just the sound bytes that tell the story - the natural audio (whether it’s music in the background or people talking) should also help tell the story. Put a wireless mic on a person and let their natural conversations help to tell the story. Let them tell us how the wallpaper is made (which was missing from your story). That's what this category is all about - letting the NATURAL audio help to tell the story.
  • 3/14 9:37 pm - Your story begins very abruptly, within the first second your first interview has already begun, give me an establishing shot or a short montage to peak my interest and give me some context before you jump in. The same is kind of true to the end, no attention was really given to the name of this company other than when it appeared in the key, so it honestly took me a while at the end to figure out what the graphic was or was saying (if you gave me a hint off of a shipping label or something a few scenes before that would have helped), but by the time I could even begin to process that the video ended. Just a little confusing, and a little abrupt. I found the first half of your video very strong, your B-Roll was excellent, your speakers were articulate and said what they needed to without saying too much, I felt like the last ⅓ of your story didn’t measure up to the first part. At first I wasn’t sure if it was your speaker not having a commanding voice (which I get you can’t fully control), but I guess after watching it a couple more times it was that I just didn’t understand any of the actual process. You titled it the art of making wall paper, you were very thorough in how it is designed, but it was really never explained how it is made (your title) I saw a bunch of machines but I didn’t really know what they were doing, I wish the actual production process would have been explained better. Had you done that throughout, I think this would have been a no brainer top video for me. Camera Work Your B-Roll was BEAUTIFUL, not only did it enhance what the speaker was talking about (first 2/3rds) but it was artistic, creative, and engaging. I thought all three of your interviews were also well / strategically placed. I would have loved that same intentionality of shots in the last ⅓, I felt like you just stood by the machine and filmed a wide cover shot, instead of being more stratigic and forcing your audience to focus on what was important (and maybe making the noise) Use of Sound Your audio was clean, and well matched. Considering it is a natural sound package I would have liked to see a little more intentionality at pulling the sounds in for example at 54 seconds I see a bucket of water being poured, but don’t hear it at all, instead I hear the sound of the drill spinning which comes in the following scene. While the paper is actually being made you show me the machines and the sounds but there was really nothing distinct about the sounds, so I felt like it might as well been the hum of a vending machine, make sure you have your sounds have meaning in purpose (which goes back to the cover shots and your audience not knowing what they should be looking at - or where the sound is really coming from) Close ups in Natural sound packages I think always go hand in hand. Editing Thought your pace was really good, I don’t feel like the editing ever slowed the story down. I see you have the skill of bridging your audio for example I hear the forklift beep before the forklift comes on (1:13) because it is a nice way to pull those two scenes together so I know you can do it, I would have liked to see it a little more. Loved the masking tape sound as well in the scene that follow it. My point is unless they were happy accidents, you have the ability to put the pieces together that engage your audience, I guess I would have like to have seen more of it. Final Thoughts: I am rereading my comments and realize it sounds like I am down on your piece, I am not! I really liked it and I saw a lot of talent and promise. Just make sure you always finish as well as you started.  
Judge 1

Positives: Great variety of shots, especially some angles. Very good audio throughout. And the sound bite content is good too.

Improvements: Lighting needs to be a bit stronger on the interview subjects. The background is attracting the eye more than the subject. Lots of jump cuts. Watch for them.

Judge 2

Positives: Nice framing on interviews. Audio quality is good. Good job of hiding the microphone cords.

Improvements: Need more shots of people doing something rather than just shots of things. Shaky camera is distracting. Avoid moving camera just to move it. Movement needs to be motivated.

Judge 3

Positives: 1. Great introduction soundbite. Provides great context, which is hard to do sometimes when you aren't allowed to do a voiceover. 2. Great variety of shots to sequence the process of making wallpaper. You followed them step by step and took is through a story with a variety of shots and angles.

Improvements: 1. Sound is only coming out from one speaker for me. Even if you accidentally record the sound like that, it's possible to edit it so it comes through on both speakers. 2. The last interview feels like it was tacked on. I felt like the story would have been the same without her. Sometimes it's better to intersperse interviews rather than having all your soundbites from one person, then all your soundbites from the second person. Find ways to interview your subjects so that it's possible to splice their soundbites together.

Judge 4

