Black History Month Episode 2022 - ID# 370

News Program

Entry Description

Since February is Black History Month, students complied an episode sharing black perspectives, celebrating black accomplishments, and highlighting current issues.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 9:40 pm - An intro would be helpful in transitioning into your show. Great idea for theme of show. Make sure you attribute ALL material that you didn't record or create. A simply text in a corner of the frame with something like "PHOTO CREDIT: Time Magazine" is all you need. Always use lower thirds to tell your audience who is speaking. Anchors do a nice job throughout. Interesting story ideas. Show could use a closing with credits.
  • 4/20 12:00 pm - Show starts abruptly- try having some kind of opener to get the show going. Great info on the Black History segment- anchor does a nice job reading. You are using photos and videos that I don't think are yours. If this is the case, you need to attribute those sources- a small graphic in the corner would do, but something needs to be there. Interviews about student union has LOTS of jump cuts. One camera angle and a microphone kind of shoved in their faces. The mic covers up their faces with its placement. Just like an opening, consider having credits and a show closer. You have some interesting and timely segments which is great. Add some of those elements to the broadcast and you'll move up to a more professional looking show.
  • 4/7 9:55 am - No attribution on the photos, which is required in the rules. “ALL ENTRIES MUST BE THE ORIGINAL WORK OF THE STUDENT PRODUCER including scripting, directing, VIDEOTAPING, editing, and graphics. The only exceptions would be…News Program…These categories allow copyrighted images or video for historical purposes, and may include content not produced by the student, AS LONG AS IT IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER.“ All the segments have 100% copyrighted material except the people talking. There is not one piece of original b-roll. The edit on the second book of the library segment is awkward. I thought you were talking about the author, but instead you are talking about the story. Who are the people speaking in this? Media specialists? Teachers? Anchors sound good, except for banter between them and after segments. The way it is written it is to sound like they are adlibbing it, but it comes off very stiff and just reading. Black student union - who are the people talking. You should have a lower third letting us know. Good audio, but hold the mic lower instead of having the mic in front of their mouth.
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