This comedic narrative follows three high school friends and their journey, when they find a magic time machine. However, when they realize that their adventures in the past have affected the present, they are faced with the toughest of choices. Music rights from Epidemic Sound and De Wolfe Music.
Positives: Clear premise (characters alter history), really fun locations to visit (edison, elvis, etc). All in all, well constructed, with a pretty satisfying ending. Enjoyed this whole concept as a framework, and enjoyed the "fun" aspect of their travels... outstanding montage.
Improvements: This piece is in two halves (time traveling, and then destroying the machine), and while this works really well for the story, it tamps down the humor. Would have enjoyed MORE time spent on the consequences of their time travel, less time on the setup/solving of the core issue. The characters lacked some development. There were 3, and they were interchangable. As currently produced -The piece would have worked the same if there was only 1 character... or 2, 4, 5, or 6 of them. Some different personalities would have improved things. Each character should add sometime unique to the dynamic and a unique take on the story. Ultimately - would be really curious to see this as a longer piece, one that spent more time on the humorous consequences (good and bad) of their actions.
Positives: This was an excellent piece. The premise was simple and fun and so easy to get behind. Often times young creators over complicate the premise, but you guys nailed this one! Even with a topic as complex as time travel, you never over explained to the audience and that allowed you to really have fun and for viewers to really enjoy it as well. You heightened the story perfectly and allowed the jumps back to present day to show and not tell. The lighting and camera work was great and I was a fan of the music choice as well as the font choice for both the locations and the title. A great short film topped off with a hilarious Office Space parody at the end.
Improvements: The sound mixing could use the smallest amount of work in certain spots. A little echoy over some lines. Especially when you are outside in the time machine. When you reveal the old phone after they return from the past the first time, that specific shot messes with the pacing of your piece. I think it would be worth considering, cutting to the phone before she says her line "I can't believe it actually worked" there's a bit of a jump cut there anyway so the phone shot will mask that, then cut back to her as she is finishing that line, then he says his line "You guys wanna do it again?" And cut to: the 1879 title card. Small change but I think it helps the piece keep it momentum!
Positives: This was all around just a ton of fun, and bonus points for it being historically educational! Worth mentioning that this was beautifully shot and looked incredibly professional. This film establishes a clear and familiar narrative and delivers a solid ending. Loved the tall Lincoln gag, and the beautiful/hilarious shot with Caesar eating Little Caesars and great use of the rock version of Auld Lang Syne for the montage.I also enjoyed the fun take on Office Space when the characters destroyed the time machine.
Improvements: It is always difficult capturing dialogue outdoors, and there was a bit of a noticeable dip in sound quality when they determine they need to destroy the time travel machine. Also, I think the ended could've been a little clearer with what was happening. When the character in the plad jacket steps into frame after they fade away, it is a little confusing. That said, it becomes pretty clear by the next scene.