Marry's Mourning Mixup - ID# 404

Riverside Brookfield

Entry Description

In this Marry's Mourning Mixup commercial viewers are given a chance to see the restaurant and experience the atmosphere of Marry's. In addition viewers will hear costumers talk about what makes Marry's so special.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/28 10:39 am - What I Loved: I love that you are highlighting a local business! I especially love how when you interviewed the customers, it was incredibly crowded and busy in the background! Your interview shots alone revealed that this is a popular establishment and added credibility to those speaking. I also loved how you interviewed both adults and children- you definitely feel the family atmosphere in this commercial. Areas of Growth: Some of the shots are very shaky. I would bring your tripod with you when filming next time. The shot of the skeletons when talking about patrons was also a little confusing for your viewer. It didn't seem to fit what was being talking about in the interview when she says "I like the people."
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