Crossover Sports is a Sports talk show hosted by Juniors Sam Egan and Jake O'Brien. The show consists of highlights and recaps from Professional Sports along with predictions in the future of pro sports. The show also consists of an interview from an athlete either locally or professionally. Crossover Sports gives the audience the ultimate sports experience hearing from both the athletes as well as the fans perspective.
Positives: -strong lighting and audio -engaging questions that demonstrate you have a lot of knowledge and passion
Improvements: -could speak slower -eye contact either toward camera or the guest, looking around a lot can be distracting to the viewer
Positives: 1. The hosts have good chemistry. The conversation flows naturally and they are responsive to each other. Interview host is confident and natural leading an interview on camera. 2. I enjoyed the photos over the shoulder of the interview subject. It was a creative and visually interesting way to introduce b-roll
Improvements: 1. Studio shot looks a little blue, and could have used some color correction or white balancing. 2. Interview subject's audio was a little bit quiet
Positives: 1. The set is very professional. I really love the detail such as the sports lockers and the sports equipment/ school name plaques behind the hosts and talent. The news desk colors matches the items placed in the background which really complements the set very nicely. 2. The production of the show was done very well. There was no missed cues switching between the host and talent. Both hosts are dressed professionally and audio is leveled very nicely.
Improvements: 1. The camera set up on the talent needed a little more lead room for when the graphics popped up. 2. To make the interview visually interesting is to add B-Roll of the talent when he talked about his baseball career such as some archived footage instead of just boxed graphics.