4/27 9:15 pm - Fun intro and hosts but here's something to think about...what are you going for? A competition piece or something different, quirky and fun for the student body? Either is cool but when you're entering something in a competition, the idea is to be a traditional (or even a newer, hipper version of a ) newscast. Consider lav microphones. It sounds like you're using a boom mic overhead and there is some slapback reverb that makes for low quality audio. Jump cuts, sunglasses...all made me think of Max Headroom. Was the "Breaking News" really "breaking news?" B-roll is what ultimately makes newscasts and telling stories. Work on acquiring lots of b-roll. Keep at it and you will improve!
4/7 9:52 am - Nice intro.
LOTS of jumpcuts. In social media this would be OK, but not for “broadcast” news.
The anchors had some good energy and but the sunglasses and hat? Having these looses the anchors’ creditability. Also, the jacket is all bunched up in the back. Sit on the tail to bring it down.
Not quite understanding why the anchors have the jaw drop expression on their faces when they go into the first “story.”
When you said that you were going to go the Bengals story, I was expecting a segment with some b-roll and interviews, not just the anchor talking still. It would be nice to add some credited images and b-roll to show what you are talking about.
The basketball story was nice. It was good to show that your school was there. Instead of showing a picture of you on the court at the beginning, show some b-roll of the game.
3/1 12:46 pm - Creative opening to the newscast! I'm seeing LOTS of jump-cuts in the broadcast- very untraditional and very distracting in a news anchor sense. A transition is used, but it transitions to the same shot? Don't use a transition to go to the same shot- use b-roll or cutaways to cover up awkward cuts in the program. The entire newscast is done from a one camera shot in the same location. Even when you "cut" to go to the Bears story, you cut to the same venue. Mix it up and look for more creative locations to do a story. The New Trier Basketball game is a good idea, however the reporter is holding his own camera. Need to invest in a tripod or a partner for a more professional look. Not sure what the story is about- is it about the game? Is it about the broadcast? Is it about the fans? Do you actually talk to someone playing in the game? Audio on the interviews is poor and the package consists of a reporter asking questions at random. Piece could have been produced a bit more organized. The ending of the show comes on rather quickly and abruptly and then it just ends- no credits, no musical or video ending like the opening. Anchor is a little goofy- not sure if this is a comedy sketch or a serious news broadcast. Overall, there were some good ideas, but technically had lots of issues in its production.