"Titan Nation" or Pep Club is a school spirit club at Glenbrook South High School. This promotion highlights the club and school spirit that radiates throughout the school. This video was played for the entire school to see during our Fall Sports Assembly to gain excitement and school spirit.
Positives: Great story with incorporation of teacher Enjoyed seeing the teacher get teleported into the action of Titan Nation
Improvements: stronger ending.... or an end - the story started strong but needed a punch to finish it
Positives: This is a very clever project. You used some advanced editing techniques (cross-cutting) very effectively. It's apparent that a lot of thought and planning went into this. (Excellent preproduction) Through camera work, acting and editing, you were able to effectively capture the spirit of what I think a pep club should do. Great work!
Improvements: It's a real stretch to recommend things that could be improved. Here is what I came up with. Try experimenting with the lightning. I'm not sure what you are using to do your editing. But some software will allow you to create mattes which will then allow you to place the lightning behind as well as in front of the people. I'd also try putting some lightning over the end graphic instead of behind it. After doing that you may find things looks better as they are. But you should think about trying things like that to open up possibilities.
Positives: Great transition from a class to the field. I like the reax shot from the teacher and the students around her. The crowd shots are perfect!!! Show more of them and let them show how great Titan spirit is.
Improvements: Have the teacher talk when you show the kids falling asleep. Think Ferris Bueller. This way there is no stop and start to the noise. I was confused as to why we went back into the room.