The Last Sermon - ID# 77

Movie Trailer

Entry Description

The wrathful ghost of a deceased priest haunts the halls of an otherwise innocent school, with students starting to go missing. A paranormal club investigates, only for it to turn from a search for a ghost to a fight for survival. Music from Fesliyan Studios Background Music, KevinMacLeod, and Youtube Audio Library.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 2/25 2:54 pm - STORY: The story wasn’t clear enough to make me want to see the movie, which is the whole purpose of a movie trailer. People disappearing or getting murdered, but no character development at all. No sense of who is perpetrating the crimes or why. CAMERA: Most of the shots were basic, eye level, and wide shots. Need more shot variety, compositions, smoother moves and better variety of angles. EDITING: The editing pace is fine, but there just wasn’t enough material here. LIGHTING: Lighting seemed like you just used whatever was available in each location for the majority of the trailer. AUDIO: For your reference, the primary dialogue or voice over should be between -6 and -12 db on the VU meter, and your music bed should be between -18 and -24. In your case, the music is too loud in the mix. Like WAY too loud…like blow my speakers out loud.
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