Barrington Remembers 9-11 - ID# 129


Entry Description

Barrington 220 staff members recount their experiences from September 11th, 2001.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 6:04 pm - Keepers: Interesting story. I was student teaching when the towers fell and any teacher of a certain age all has very specific memories of that day. Your interviews were well framed and the audio was well mixed. The diverse number of voices worked well in telling this story. Improvements: The music during the introduction was really well done! So..why cut it? Keep it going. Music always helps to amplify emotion. Work on putting music throughout the piece. For something like this 3 different songs should probably work, each with slightly different emotions. One other reason for music is that it provides an opportunity to have pauses between interviews. The interviews are wall to wall, and after a while, it can grow stale. Use visuals, news footage and other broll to take brief breaks from the interview sound bytes. The music can be brought up in the mix during those breaks. The pacing of the edit was a bit off, especially at the end with the cut to the President's speech. Again, use music underneath that piece of footage and intercut additional broll of American resolve over it. All in all, there is a lot to like here, but work on using all of the different elements of a documentary: reality footage, broll, interviews, archival footage and music to a great advantage.
  • 3/10 2:36 pm - Video looks great! Good, tight editing of the interviews. Good sequencing. Audio could use a bit of balancing.
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