How to walk the Path 101 - ID# 131


Entry Description

A host demonstrates the steps it takes to walk HF's .6 mile long path in order to get to class on time in 11 minutes.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 7:30 pm - Story: I think this was a good concept for a demo, it was unique, had a specific audience, but the steps could count for anyone trying to do something in a timely manner. Sound: Sound was solid, it was clear. However @ :36 the mix shifted, so jus keep an ear on levels and trying to get them as similar as possible to avoid anything that can take the viewers focus away. Camera/lighting: Great variety of shots, a couple of shots were dark (in the hallways), but overall, great framing and variety. Editing: The titles for steps were engaging and fun. It was pieced together in a cohesive way that made sense for the story. Fade out that audio at the end, it was an abrupt stop. Great edit and engaging video!
  • 4/26 6:44 am - Story: Message is clear Sound: Voice overs are well done, however there are some distortions. Music was mixed well with voice over Camera: Good composition. Could have used more shot variety, angles, and movements Lighting: Good use of natural lighting
  • 4/22 7:00 am - Good variety of different camera angles at the beginning of the video to catch the viewer's attention. Music selection works well with the images you recorded. Voice-overs are well done. Good moving camera shots throughout the demonstration. Very well done. Keep producing more videos.
Judge 1

Positives: Like the story. Interesting concept. Graphics and maps added a great deal to the HOW TO.

Improvements: We really don't people walking through parking lots.

Judge 2

Positives: Great framing in the opening shot, and strong delivery of the message with good sound. I really like the aerial shot of the path because it helps to let people know the length and the location, good idea, and has good movement from the South building to the North. Great camera work with this as you show your perspective. Good use of the computer graphic and transition to the building.

Improvements: I understand the need for the graphics, but in this case, your video is strong and these seem out of place. I think that it ends quickly, but overall I like the concept and think this is a strong video.

Judge 3



Judge 4



Judge 5

