STUNTS Returns - ID# 178

Natural Audio News Package

Entry Description

The annual variety show "STUNTS" returns to the stage 8 weeks earlier than usual due to the anticipated construction schedule for the renovation of the school auditorium.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/18 11:42 am - Since there is no reporter introduction, I would suggest setting it up visually, you start off with one performer singing but it is really too quick, I would have loved if you started with a “finished product” since this story is about going behind the scenes and showing what the audience doesn’t see. That contrast I think would have given more dimension to this story. Your camera work is really good, I can see the intentionality in just about every one of your shots. Sometimes filmers are so focused on the content of what is said, they don’t take the time to set a visually pleasing/interesting shot. You did a great job taking your time with that. The interview pieces come together nicely and logically to tell your story, you did a great job arranging them. However, there just is not a lot of natural audio that comes out in your piece, and it would have been easy to do just quick little sound bites of what they were just talking about (squeaky wheels while moving a piano, the musicians warming up, someone's performance) etc. These quick transitional scenes, will also give your viewers a chance to digest what they just heard you have a tendency of jumping right into the next interview as soon as the one before it is done. If this was just a news story I would give it a a 10 out of 10. I love the story you told, you have good variety, coached your talent well, you just don’t really have any natural sounds coming into your piece that will draw your viewer in when it is in a category like this.
  • 4/16 1:24 pm - While the sound bites in this story helped to tell a complete story, it was missing one key element - the natural audio. The purpose of this category is to have the natural audio help to tell the story. So bring the natural audio from the rehearsals up full to allow your audience to hear the music that will be sung. Bring the natural audio from the crew meetings up full so the audience can hear some of the behind-the-scenes dialogue that goes into putting this show together. Mic up one of the board members during a meeting to hear the planning. Use the natural audio to help tell the story of STUNTS.
  • 3/6 2:09 pm - I loved how you opened with the students singing and playing the piano. This helped to set the scene of this story being about your variety show. However, I wanted to hear more examples of the audio in the acts. Your interviews did an excellent job explaining the context of the show and the talent people will see if they come. In a future cut, I would love to both see and hear more b-roll of some of the acts, especially when your interviews are talking about the amount of talent in a show. Great start overall!
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