GTV - Geneva High School's daily newscast produced by students. This show features our bi-weekly sportscast, "Sports Shield", info about our music program and a hype video.
Positives: -Great energy from the anchors off the top. They work well together -I like the variety of student announcements to keep people informed and the sports highlight at the end to close the newscast
Improvements: -some of the sound is a bit over modulated or doesn’t transition smoothly. Try to fade in/out your audio when you transition from segment to segment -try to add in more soundbites from interviews to add variety to your newscast and perspective from the public
Positives: With its enthusiastic anchors and creative video such as the Comfy Day b-roll, this newscast was fun and likely kept students’ attention. Great b-roll in the choir piece.
Improvements: This newscast could have benefited from more in-depth news packages, and instead relied too heavily on anchors reading headlines. News packages are more engaging since they give a reporter the opportunity to tell a story. Graphics were inconsistent and unpolished. A theme to the graphics package with a more professional look would help tie the program together.
Positives: - Overall, you did a great job finding appropriate visuals for each story. There's a good mix of b-roll throughout and it shows! - Great job getting some sound bites that move all of your stories forward, and the bites you chose were good too.
Improvements: - The newscast lacks some continuity & flow. Try to set up each of your stories with a line or two about what they are. - You have bits and pieces of natural sound, but then the audio completely goes away. Next time, keep some of that volume but bring it to a level where viewers can still understand the voiceover. This helps the viewer feel as if they were at the location.