WFL Cinematography Reel - ID# 190


Entry Description

A Cinematography reel that showcases works in the PSA, commercial, documentary, and news packages categories.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 11:55 am - Good shooting and lighting overall. This would be stronger if there was a greater diversity of shots from a larger number of projects. While the black and white sequences are incredibly well-shot and well-lit, the others are not nearly as strong, and therefore, the reel itself is not balanced.
  • 4/21 2:24 pm - PROS - Lots of diversity displayed in the types of projects used to make up this reel. The strongest shots are probably the black and white work because it has the best framing and composition of all the shots showcased. CONS - Some of the compositions very busy; the shot at 0:04 was hard to red the card because you can see the writing on the other side, 0:09 had soft focus, 0:11 and 0:17 have a lot of distractors that take away from the focus of the shot. 0:31 was the only B/W shot with low contrast and did not match the rest of the samples. The Wacom shots had animations that are certainly allowed, but distracted from showcasing the skill of the cinematographer.
  • 4/17 4:53 pm - Good idea to share different shots in a variety of locations. Fun animations but this is a cinematography category where the use of light and composition is valued. Keep working on purposeful movement and action to help direct the audience.
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