This is a PSA about how to survive awkward situations with your family during the holidays.
Positives: The message was clear and unique for a psa. The use of black-and-white freeze-frames was humorous and kept the viewers' attention. Overall, the dialog was clear and the music and dialog were evenly balanced. The on-screen graphics were clear and visually appealing. The text animation was a nice touch.
Improvements: The dialog at the start of the piece starts instantly. Including a brief pause would have allowed for a smoother opening. The lighting could have included more contrast. Since each shot had a lot going on visually, having a contrast between the foreground and background would have allowed the viewer to stay focused on the subject.
Positives: Very clever idea for a PSA. True it is! You captured ideas and brought them to life. Good settings and actors.
Improvements: Narrator spoke much too quickly to clearly understand. Some graphics need to be on screen longer.