Peppo's Pets Talk Show - ID# 212
Maine West
Talk Show
Entry Description
Addie sits down with small business owner, Sarah, to learn about the in's and out's of starting her own business, Peppo's Pets.
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Recent Teacher Comments
- 4/27 8:46 am - Well done! Cool that it was shot on location which gave us a feel for the place. B-Roll is really quick, slow down your shots and your cuts, the video is more compelling than the talking heads so steady it and use it more. Well prepared interview and very conversational, well done!
- 4/26 12:11 pm - You have a nice variety of camera angles, definitely showed both people equally and had a great mix of reaction shots. The B-Roll worked, but some of the reaction shots didn’t work as they weren't really moving the narrative forward., This was also my issue with the b-roll as it was repetitive.
Overall, really nice production value, just need to clean up some of the specifics. Keep up the good work!
- 4/16 1:18 pm - Overall, nice job with this short talk show about the local business. First, I love that you were able to highlight this local business and bring their information to your community. Your series of questions were everything a viewer would want to know, from how she started it, to what she carries, to what she values. And adding the questions about being a woman business owner will hopefully inspire others. As for the technical aspects of the video…everything looked and sounded good. For some of the b-roll shots, it felt like that video was very quick, so I would suggest lengthening some of your shots. This will allow the viewer to have a better grasp of what’s in the store and what you’re trying to show.
Judge 1
Positives: Footage looks great, very professional- crisp on the subject with a softer background.
Excellent questions that led to interesting insights from your guest.
Improvements: Your reactions to Sarah's answers didn't always sound authentic. Remember to be in the moment rather than already thinking about what to ask next.
Judge 2
Positives: Nice job highlighting a local business and doing the interview from that business.
Improvements: Slow down on the pacing of the b-roll. When shooting, be sure to shoot long shots of your b-roll so that the pacing of showing the b-roll matches the pacing of the interview. Focus on the interview - not on the next question that you are going to ask. You want the interview to sound more like a conversation vs. an interview.
Judge 3
Positives: Good use of b-roll, I enjoyed the shots with actual customers in the store and watching Sarah interact with them.
The lighting and audio was good. Also appreciate the switch from 1-shots to a 2-shot every now and then.
I liked the questions about women-owned businesses and giving Sarah the platform to talk about her career.
Improvements: Host doesn't need to just "stick to the script." Feel free to add to the conversation and bounce off what the interview subject has to say.
Judge 4
Judge 5