Tumblers and More - ID# 227

Crown Point
Natural Audio News Package

Entry Description

Interview with Maureen McMahon about tumblers

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/19 9:53 am - I will be honest, I spent most of the piece trying to figure out what you were doing/talking about. I know she said tumblers and cups but are these like water bottles, big glasses, I wasn’t sure. At the very start show me different situations of them being used and then I would have understood better. Instead you just jumped right into your interview with little context, the stuff on the shelf in the background weren’t helpful because I am guessing the bottom shelf is coloring, 2nd and 3rd shelf finished product ? I know this is not a demonstration piece, but I just didn’t really get what she does and the process of them being made, the B-Roll didn’t really help tell the story visually. She talked about her favorite cup she makes is the Christmas cup, then show it to me, again give your audience context and tell the stories with your visuals as well as the words the two should work together not independent of one another. As a news story it wasn't bad, but in a natural sound package it was really lacking many of those natural sounds that would make a piece come alive.
  • 4/16 1:33 pm - Think about other ways you could have her tell her story other than a traditional interview. I would suggest putting a wireless mic on her and record her working on one of the tumblers or something else she’s making. Have her walk through the steps as she’s doing it so we can hear what she’s doing while she’s doing it. Remember, it’s the natural audio that helps to TELL the story and not just be a part of the story.
  • 3/6 2:23 pm - This is a cool feature story on Maureen and her tumbler cups! I loved the audio you captured of the glitter, moving tumblers, etc., but would have loved to have heard it woven in during interviews, not just in between. The shots and audio seemed more like transitional pieces between interview shots, rather than being cut in to help tell the story. For example, when talking about "pens, shirts, sweatshirts," try showing shots of these and playing audio of her making these. Or when she talks about glitter being stuck, that would be a great time to show the shot of the glitter you took with the corresponding audio. One thing that would be great to show is the Facebook page "Tumblers and More" so that viewers can visit her site and purchase these tumblers for themselves. I would have loved to have seen b-roll of Maureen actually working on these cups. Really great start on telling this story! Your project was organizer and composition overall was strong for both b-roll and interviews.
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