Barrington Police Department Promotional Video - ID# 229


Entry Description

A promotional video for the Barrington Police Department that was filmed and edited by BHS-TV students.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 11:16 am - PROS - Very exciting and dynamic imagery. The story is told effectively through your image design and the look and feel of the shots is consistent throughout. The opening shot of the officers walking in the range with the backlighting is particularly striking. CONS - The interconnected theme throughout your shots seemed to limit your ability to demonstrate a more diverse range of cinematographic skill. The black levels are very low, causing a lot of shadow detail to be lost; this is difficult when dealing with dark colored uniforms. Many of the officers' bodies appear as dark outlines with no detail. It also would have been nice to see your subjects out in the field; you definitely communicated that they are well equipped and trained, but there does seem to be a lack of practical action in the video.
  • 4/25 4:29 pm - This is a dynamic video. That said, it's a hype video for the police and not a typical reel. It's hard to gauge the strength of shots because it's highly edited, in fast pace, no less. I think using elements from this piece alongside several other completed videos showcase the breadth of filming, exposure, use of focal length, and lighting would have been a better option than this completed promo video.
  • 4/17 4:57 pm - Nice montage of different shots, some were difficult to evaluate because they were so quick, but the different angles and cuts to music were effective for the intended audience. Even more dynamic use of artificial light and compositional elements would have made it even stronger.
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