Digital Media Promo - ID# 299

Shepard High School
School Promotion

Entry Description

Have a look into the Shepard elective Digital Media Production. Students can take this class after they successfully complete one semester of Intro to Media

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 2:57 pm - To start off, you have some very cool footage which showed a variety of work being done. Nice work. Too many students don't film enough content for their work. Moving forward, however, you need to work on cleaning up some of your shots as well as your audio. Wide shots can provide too much information so really try to find a "Subject" every time you hit record and then think about how else you could show the subject, this will broaden your horizon for filming and make your videos that much more visually appealing. You're on the right track, keep practicing those fundamentals.
  • 4/10 1:27 pm - Pros - You had some very informational shots that showcased your digital media program. You had some variety that helped showcase what you can be apart of by joining the class. Overall your video was very informative and well-edited! Cons - The audio was a bit quiet, and sometimes I felt your voice drowned out. Some of your framings seemed a bit off, I think you were going for some different variety, but maybe next time goes with some more traditional camera shots.
Judge 1



Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4



Judge 5

