Shots taken by Nate Locker this school year.
Positives: Good expression and editing
Improvements: Camera shake distracted some shots.
Positives: 1. Your framing and composition was awesome. Not only do you leave appropriate headroom for your subjects, but you also frame them from a variety of different angles. 2. Your lighting was very nicely done. You used a mixture of shots where you focus on the highlights in one and the shadows in another. You also have great fundamental knowledge of how to use contrast to your advantage.
Improvements: 1. Your editing is what really took me out of this piece. Editing to the music did not help you here, as cinematography is meant to be looked at, appreciated, and enjoyed, but when I can only look at some of your shots for half a second before moving on, I cannot appreciate the skills you put into this work. 2. Many of your shots had subjects that were repeated throughout the piece or were unnecessary to showcasing your cinematography skills. While the shots of the basketball players in the dark with flashing lights were cool, only one or two of these would've been enough to get your point across. Again, the editing here was not sufficient to really establish this as a solid cinematography reel. There's no harm in slowing down and enjoying the experience.
Positives: You have a lot of really nice shots. You frame them up nicely and are able to set a specific mood based on what you're filming. I really liked the hot light at :5. I could tell you were going for overexposed and it works. Perfectly stylized. I liked the variety of interview style talking heads you have. Solid work. Always be creative.
Improvements: :15 is out of focus Whenever your doing an interview and the talent is wearing glasses- just be aware of the reflection that comes off. :34 its not too bad but I do lose the persons eyes with the light source.