Loyalty Day 2022 - ID# 34

Glenbrook North
School Promotion

Entry Description

This video was created to promote our school's Loyaty day, an assembly focused on celebrating school spirit in every one of our students' activities. The video highlights exciting moments from the past year edited to Pitbull's I Feel Good, and was played for the entire school to see.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/26 8:46 am - This was a nice video and topic. You did a great job matching the video and the music which is a huge skill when it comes to video editing. A couple of pointers; The titles were up way too long and because they were up so long, they were a distraction from the video. You're on the right track, just need to keep filming so you have plenty of footage along with a variety of shots and then work on your pace, both with the editing of clips and how the titles and other assets appear. Keep up the good work!
  • 4/20 2:50 pm - Pros - Great editing! You showcased all of what Loyalty Day is in this video and that was definitely understood by me as the viewer. The inclusion of all the sports and activities was great to see. The text and graphics were well done, and I liked seeing the change of colors. Cons - A lot of your shots were similar, I would say try and include some different forms to change the perspective for the viewer.
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