How to do an "Olllie" - ID# 362

Wheaton North

Entry Description

Demonstration of how to do an "Ollie" on a skateboard. Music from GMP music--our school has a license.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 9:35 pm - Story: The steps were clear. I liked that you had graphics for where your feet should be on the board. Sound: there was some distorted sound, so keep and ear out for that. Camera/editing: making sure the graphics are clear of the background you don't want is important. I know it might have been funny, but it just doesn't make sense or fit the rest of the video. You had some nice shots an angles, that worked really well for filming on a skateboard.
  • 4/24 10:10 am - Creative use of POV shots in the video. Could have used more creative camera angles to illustrate the tricks. Voice over was descriptive and understandable however there was a technical issue with it. Lighting was good. Graphics were informative but could have been more professional.
  • 4/15 8:59 am - Good high angle and moving camera shots at the beginning of the video to catch the viewer's attention. I liked the freeze frame you added when you introduced the title of the video. Good voice-overs. Good variety of different camera angles during the demonstration. Very well done. Keep producing more videos.
Judge 1

Positives: Interesting story and demo. Great camera shots that showed much detail. Good narration and graphics.

Improvements: There was a loud sound like mic falling off when you first introduced move.DIsruptive to watching.

Judge 2

Positives: I like the use of the X's to make where to place your feet. I like the variety of shots, and think there were places where you could have added more shots to this video. I like the step of moving to the grass, but let the viewer know why this is important.

Improvements: You tell the person that the helmet and pads are recommended but you do not wear them. If you want them to be used then you as the teacher should use them. The loud pop sound at 29 seconds is distracting look to even that out. I am not sure what the shot at 44 seconds is supposed to be. I think it is the wear from sliding your foot, but really make it clear to the viewer. A couple of shots were fast, like the last trick. Slow down the edits.

Judge 3



Judge 4



Judge 5

