This is a comedic short film about a girl and a chicken.
Positives: The basic premise - stalked (harassed? bothered?) by a chicken, and then making peace with it - Cool. I love the weirdness. The "they make up and fist bump" conclusion is great. So, it's easy to create the unexpected for an audience, which you did with the premise. But then, it's harder to surprise and generate the unexpected within that unexpected framework. The fist bump was that, didn't see it coming.
Improvements: -The opening scene (waking up late) was unnecessary. At this point in the piece, I don't know who the character is, so I'm unaffected by her lateness/timeliness. And then - did the chicken cause this somehow? Did it break her car? It seems to just be there... So, the "she's late" story feels like a separate piece from the "chicken" story. - We needed more "followed by a chicken" scenes before the confrontation. We saw it 1.) out the window and then 2.) on the car - and she screams. Then 3.) we're on the sidewalk at night, and she's super anger at it and then makes up. We need more stalking and frustration before the confrontation. - Why did they make it? Don't get me wrong, it's funny, but I don't know what moment in her "dialogue" with the chicken led to the moment of connection and healing.
Positives: nice mix of establishing shots and closeups good character development
Improvements: add a bit more dialogue for lead character to add to premise
Positives: Definitely a unique and attention grabbing featuring using something like a chicken as the centerpiece. I loved that! Also really enjoyed the rapid cuts between the main character and the chicken at the conclusion. Great use of music to support the mood you were going for! I can't imagine the chicken made filming any easier. Great work!
Improvements: While it is a short, the plot could use a little more substance. Maybe the chicken could somehow directly cause some sort of problem for her to reinforce why it is driving her mad. Similarly, you could do the same thing at the end where the chicken does something to cause her to change her attitude towards it.