Social media promotion of our school play, Radium Girls. NOTE: Video could not share correctly though YouTube since it is considered a YouTube short; therefore, a Google Drive link is how we shared it.
Positives: I love that you switched up the length of the clips so that some people cycled through quickly and some slowly. You tracked the camera well. The transitions were almost seamless between characters.
Improvements: I wish the video was a bit longer! Maybe a title card announcing the name of the school play at the end, while everyone turns to stare at the camera? This didn't follow the prompt: Using the editing tools available on your phone/social media app, create a video using ONLY your cell phone that includes ALL of the following items: school mascot, front of your school, school colors, school clothing, and sign with your school name. These items could be combined (ex: school colors are on your school shirt.
Positives: Loved the introduction with quick snippets of video laid on top of each other. The music you chose works well with the transitions.
Improvements: It felt a little short. I would argue you could add an extra 10 seconds. There didn't seem to be an "ending." I suggest a few more wide and medium shots.
Positives: Wow. An editing marvel!
Improvements: Not so short.