Beauty of a Second - Around the House - ID# 454

Richards High School

Entry Description

This video shows the beauty that 1 second can bring and explores a unique, aesthetic view, of what may be around the house.

Copyright Info

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 10:09 am - Overall good camera movements and shots. That said, there's a lot of repetition in terms of location and subject matter - not enough variety to make this "pop." A greater diversity of landscapes and even focal lengths and consideration of depth of field would have enhanced this piece further.
  • 4/20 11:17 am - PROS - This video is a great idea and has the blueprint for a strong piece. The theme and imagery are strong and hold the viewer's attention. The opening shot and 0:13 are particularly striking. CONS - In this category, I think the 1 second per shot format worked against you. There isn't a lot of time to analyze and digest the different compositions. Some of the CU had so much soft focus area in the frame that by the time we find the subject of the shot, it is already cutting. The frame rate of this piece made for some unnatural feeling movement and may have created some of the pixelation issues present in the faster movement onscreen. You have a good eye and would benefit from better preplanning with your shots, from the composition to the use of tools and settings and them execution.
  • 4/17 4:52 pm - Good idea to use the one-second perspective, but next time make sure each shot is properly focused and composed. With a limited time for the viewer to see and take in your artistry, you want to make sure you're clear and focused. Many of the shots were pixelated, which could be the compression settings, but then some of the shots were much clearer, which could be the frame rate. Not sure, but in a contest like this you want all of that dialed in next time.
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