A teenager struggles with depression and loneliness. She takes a trip to the city, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, only to return home as her situation gets worse and her anxiety builds up.
Positives: The opening shot is beautiful.
Improvements: The opening shot is beautiful but why did the camera move so quickly from that image? The int. train sequence goes on too long. When you ask us to view a conversation that we can't hear for a while, all we wonder is what is being said. The quick blackouts are exhausting and not particularly effective,
Positives: Such a beautifully told and emotionally affecting story. The main character's performance was subtle but powerful. I really loved how you were able to structure the story so it matched the content of the lyrics and the changes in the tone of the music. Those outside shots like the opening one with the color correction were just so pretty--chef's kiss.
Improvements: I think the editing could have been stronger, especially at the end. The structure was good, but mechanically it could have been a touch smoother. I wasn't such a fan of the cuts to black in the climax. Something different could have been done here. Maybe cuts to white instead? Not sure. Finally, I dinged you under sound because the piece felt more like a non-dialogue short film than a music video (which in my opinion, should have a little music performance of some kind, if even just a bit of lip-synching).
Positives: Great song. You managed to shoot enough footage to keep the journey progressing throughout a pretty long song. Well done. Great casting.
Improvements: The story got a little confusing at times and certain parts dragged a bit. It feels like the end should have happened a minute before it did and then we saw the aftermath of her running. Great shot of her running away btw.