RBTV News - ID# 480

Riverside Brookfield
News Program

Entry Description

This entry represents our most recent news program which includes news packages, b-roll, and sports. This entry is a highlight reel to fit the required 10 minute limit.

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Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 11:44 am - Classic newscast intro. Clean, well-shot broll. Solid audio throughout. Interesting stories that would seem to matter to your audience. Include a "descriptor" in LT of Chris Brown. Some talent could loosen up a bit. Vary the writing of the stories so they aren't delivered in a chunky, block style. Sports broll could use some closer shots to create a connection with the viewer. Well-done overall.
  • 2/27 12:02 pm - Packages are well done- good interviews and stories that are well told. Anchors and sports anchor could loosen up a bit- everyone seems very stiff and tight. Lighting in the studio seems very dull- almost yellow. Not sure if it's the lighting or the white balance on the cameras. Sports footage is very distant- would like to see some variety in the shots and not just the one camera from far away. Overall the news that was given was informative, the packages were important and newsworthy, and it looked clean and professional. I would add a touch of enthusiasm to your on-camera talent to make a better connection with the audience. Nice job.
Judge 1

Positives: -awesome job incorporating a reporter presence to give the newscast variety. The packages had a variety of voices and told a comprehensive story -great variety of anchor reads, reporter stories and sports. Your newscast looked very professional and was interesting to watch because of the variety. Nice job!

Improvements: -try to be conversational. Instead of saying “Filed this report” try saying “(reporter) breaks down the phone policy” -reporters: try to avoid being repetitive. What you say as the reporter shouldn’t be the exact same thing your interviewee says in the following soundbite. Try to work on setting up the soundbite by paraphrasing or adding an extra fact that leads into the soundbite.

Judge 2

Positives: Excellent mix of stories delivered from the anchor desk and news packages from reporters. These packages were engaging, on topics important to students (cellphone policy), interesting (student apparel designer) and included student perspectives through interviews. Very professional – strong opening video, cohesive graphics, great amount of b-roll, tight shots and the copy driving viewers to the station’s website was appreciated since this is commonplace in large market newscasts.

Improvements: When a person being interviewed in a news package appears for the first time, be sure to include their name in a lower-third graphic. There were several students who were never identified by name. Avoid copy such as “John Doe filed this report.” It sounds stuffy and old fashioned. Instead, try “John Doe has our story” or “John Doe has the details you need to know.”

Judge 3

Positives: - Overall, the storytelling is really strong. The stories have clear beginnings, middles and ends. The writing flows, and the video helps in that. Great job getting a variety of b-roll. - I really like the story selection and I think the editing overall is strong.

Improvements: - The packages need more natural sound. Everyone knows and can associate the sounds of a bowling alley, for example. Packages with readily available sound like that (like the crashing of pins, the ball hitting the lane, etc.) would be even better with some of that sound to break up the track. - In most of the packages, you picked soundbites where the interviewee basically repeats what the reporter just said. Next time, set up a different sound bite that agrees/makes sense with what you said rather than repeating it. It holds your story up a bit.

Judge 4



Judge 5

