A comedic short shot and edited on iphone about a student who tries to catch Elvis as he runs throughout the school.
Positives: Very dynamic shots. loved the ones shot from below as the student jumped. The sequencing of the shots told the story really well. I loved how one shot flowed into another. Not a single shot was out of place, or to short or too long.
Improvements: This video didn't follow the prompt: Using the editing tools available on your phone/social media app, create a video using ONLY your cell phone that includes ALL of the following items: school mascot, front of your school, school colors, school clothing, and sign with your school name. These items could be combined (ex: school colors are on your school shirt. I would have loved some natural sound at the beginning to transition into the song.
Positives: Nice transitions to help move the story along. I like the camera angles that were used as well.
Improvements: I would have cut the video down by 5 seconds since social media videos are supposed to be quick.
Positives: Funny. Nice story line and ending.
Improvements: Nothing