A story following Glenbrook South's Interact Club and their 2022 Paint-a-thon.
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4/18 11:44 am - Some B-Roll of various types of work before the first speaker would have been nice to ease your audience into the topic, you just jumped right in.
Your interviews were pretty good, you told the story of what was going on but I still had questions, that you probably assumed your audience knew, why this house? Why a house in prospect heights, how many kids were involved, you have been doing this for 25 years but are you doing this with other groups...
Try and put some b-roll in between your interviews to help your audience digest what they just heard in an interview. You interviews just came one after another and were not always connected with the ideas being talked about, B-roll in between would have helped,
Bridge your audio between clips so scenes don’t just cut in and out. Like between 8 secs and 9 secs, that pulls all the pieces together.
For a natural sound package there was not a lot of natural audio (the squeak a caulk gun makes, a paint scraper taking off flakes, the dirt getting thrown in a bag, a paint mixer mixing paint etc).
Your camera work was good and diverse I saw a lot of different activities but be intentional about what is in and out of your frame, for example Kacey’s interview at 25 you see a guy in the background but his head is cut off, so then you see his back and his butt, a little movement on your part truck left and get a little lower would have created a much more interesting shot.
I just didn’t feel like there was a lot planning that went into your story, you knew you wanted to cover it but there are some key shots (before and after would have been cool) that I felt were missing if you want to truly tell the story about the project, students, Dorothy etc.. I feel like you showed up, gathered footage, and then tried to pull the pieces together with what you had, planning a skeleton will always assure that you have what you need. I could be wrong, maybe you did plan, but it came across as something that was thrown together. The pieces were all related but didn’t necessarily fit together.
4/16 1:24 pm - While the sound bites in this story helped to tell a complete story, it was missing one key element - the natural audio. The purpose of this category is to have the natural audio help to tell the story. We didn’t get that until the very end of the story. Weave the natural audio in throughout the story. For example, after one of the sound bytes, bring the natural audio of students talking as they remove debris from the yard. Mic up one of the student leaders and record what he/she says throughout the day. Then use that audio in between sound bytes to help tell the story. This should be a mixture of sound bytes and natural audio from the b-roll to tell the story.
3/6 2:10 pm - This is a really interesting project that your school does each year! I love how you had a variety of interviews to help tell your story- club sponsor, home owner, and students. However, the audio levels of your interviews seemed inconsistent. I loved the variety of b-roll you had of students working on the house. I wanted to "hear" more though of what was going on. For example, I wanted to hear the dirt being shoveled into the bag or the tree being dragged on the ground. My favorite part was definitely when the homeowner spoke to the group at the end- this helped to tell the impact of what your school did in this story. I would continue to weave in examples like this to not just tell the story with your interviews, but also your natural audio.